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Josh Gay / Packages-4-30-2024
Apache License 2.0The following project contains open source materials that will be referenced by the IEEE 1076 standard.
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Batool Al-Aidaroos / Packages
Apache License 2.0The following project contains open source materials that will be referenced by the IEEE 1076 standard.
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haptic codecs / kinesthetic
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
This project houses the (to be confirmed) IEEE Standards Association Proposed PAR (Project Authorization Request) entitled:
Re-Use Library Abstraction (RULA) as a means to accelerate library adoption by decreasing library learning uptake time.
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Apache License 2.0Software libraries for reading and writing IEEE Std 1159.3 PQDIF Files
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Lars Asplund / Packages
Apache License 2.0The following project contains open source materials that will be referenced by the IEEE 1076 standard when it is approved and published.
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Josh Gay / Packages
Apache License 2.0The following project contains open source materials that will be referenced by the IEEE 1076 standard when it is approved and published.
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vasg / Packages
Apache License 2.0The following project contains open source materials that will be referenced by the IEEE 1076 standard.