Editorial changes, new files
- editorial changes in README.md (incorrect titles, English usage, modifying text for better clarity)
- editorial changes in Overview.md (missing entries, English usage)
- editorial changes in Additions_to_the_P1765_Baseline_EVM_Algorithm.md (reference errors, punctuation usage, clarification of text)
- editorial changes DESCRIPTION.md
Further changes in the repository resulting from the work of the Comment resolution group.
New file PreProcessing_F_BandpassFilter.m New file PreProcessing_F_Resample.m New file PreProcessing_Main_BandpassFilter.m New file PreProcessing_Main_Resample.m
Editorial changes in help_file_single_carrier.pdf Editorial changes in p1765_code_structure_singleCarrier_v2021.12.27.pdf (old version v2021.06.28 deleted) Editorial changes in p1765_code_structure_ofdm_v2022.01.13.pdf (old version v2021.06.28 deleted)
Improvement of source code F_calculateOptimal_TimeDomainAlignment.m Added extra output parameter in function F_Save_Results_TimeDomainAlignment.m